Monday, March 25, 2013

Interactivity #3

My ten technologies were organized by physical tools in class (iPad, calculator), communication (blog, clickers), interactive sites (Calculus in Motion, BrainPOP, Interactive Math, Geometer’s Sketchpad), and evaluation tools (Scantron, Webassign).

I was hesitant at first to see we had to collaborate with a group for an online class. For regular classes, it is easy to set a time to meet while in class, or distribute work evenly. Since this is an online class, beginning this assignment was especially difficult since we were not entirely in contact. Luckily, the google document was started and we were able to submit our findings.

While I was doing my research, I found some really great interactive websites that can be easily integrated into a lesson plan. Unfortunately, in my own math classes none of these were used. With more accessibility to the internet at school and at home, these sites create ways for students to learn other than by lecturing. In addition, math is extremely visual and these sites produce the visualization for the students.

Last week in READ-411, we had a lesson on technology where I was introduced to BrainPOP. It is an interactive website that contains several content areas subjects and provides videos and other visuals. With this website, it becomes easy to create interdisciplinary lessons by coordinating with a teacher of a different content. By doing this, it will help motivate students and give them more meaning and understanding of a lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Adam! I am in your READ 411 class and we have worked in several group projects together. I cannot say how much i love It is a great tool for all subjects. It mainly covers middle school criteria but it is a very good site for promoting knowledge at an easier to understand scale. I think we could do a lot with the site and believe that it could make a huge difference in math. It would be a great escape from the traditional methods and may spark a new interest.
